Table of content:
1. Introduction:
2. How to Remove Dark Spots of Pimples Naturally Fast in 7 Easy Steps:
1. Before we begin, always ensure your skin is clean,
2. Apply some essential oils to the area. The best essential oils include rose, frankincense and sandalwood,
3. Try a honey mask to get rid of your spots,
4. Use coconut oil on your face gently to reduce the inflammation,
5. Make a mixture of water and lemon juice and use it on the affected area,
6. It's easier than you think to remove dark spots of pimples naturally fast at home.
7. Treat the area with aloe vera gel. If you don't have an actual aloe vera plant, look for products that only contain aloe vera.
3. To lighten your skin and get rid of dark spots faster, try adding turmeric to your diet:
How to Remove Dark Spots of Pimples Naturally Fast in 7 Easy Steps:
1. Before we begin, always ensure your skin is clean:
Before you begin, always ensure your skin is clean. Wash your face with a mild cleanser, and pat dry with a clean towel or tissue. Never scrub the pimple as this may cause more damage than good.
2. Apply some essential oils to the area. The best essential oils include rose, frankincense and sandalwood:
Essential oils are a great way to get rid of pimples fast. They're natural and have a calming effect on the skin, which means they can help reduce swelling and redness.
Essential oils can be used in many ways: as an aromatherapy treatment, for example, or even to treat acne breakouts directly (if you're brave enough).
3. Try a honey mask to get rid of your spots:
If you have pimples, try a honey mask to get rid of them. To make the mask:
- Mix some honey with some lemon juice or apple cider vinegar and apply it to the affected area twice a day for 20 minutes each time (you can also use coconut oil as an alternative).
- Rinse off with warm water after 20 minutes, then pat dry with a soft cloth until your skin feels cool again before moisturizing it properly at night time!
4. Use coconut oil on your face gently to reduce the inflammation:
- Applying coconut oil on your face gently to reduce the inflammation.
- Using a cotton ball or tissue, apply some coconut oil on the affected area every night before going to bed. If you don’t have any coconut oil at home, use olive or jojoba oil instead.
5. Make a mixture of water and lemon juice and use it on the affected area:
- Mix lemon juice with water.
- Apply the mixture on the affected area.
- Leave it on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse off with lukewarm water.
Lemon juice is a good home remedy for acne because it helps to cleanse pores and kill bacteria that cause pimples. It also has antibiotic properties that can help heal your skin faster than any other medicine available in your local pharmacy or grocery store!
6. Treat the area with aloe vera gel. If you don't have an actual aloe vera plant, look for products that only contain aloe vera:
Aloe vera gel is a natural healer, antiseptic and moisturizer. It's also an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent that can help fight infection. The best way to use aloe vera juice or gel is by applying it directly on your pimple for 20 minutes every day until you see results!
If you don't have an actual aloe plant at home (which is rare), look for products that only contain aloe vera powder instead—you'll get all of its healing powers without having to worry about hurting yourself by picking up one of those nasty looking plants too close at hand!
7. To lighten your skin and get rid of dark spots faster, try adding turmeric to your diet:
Turmeric is a natural skin lightener that can be used to treat acne, as well as to lighten dark spots and scars.
Turmeric contains curcumin, which is an antioxidant that helps your body fight free radicals and prevent damage caused by them. Free radicals are unstable molecules inside cells that cause inflammation and break down tissues, especially in the body’s connective tissues like collagen. This can lead to wrinkles and other signs of aging! The good news? Curcumin helps reduce inflammation while strengthening your immune system so you don't get sick as often—and if you do feel sick now and then (which we all do), it will only make your recovery faster!
It's easier than you think to remove dark spots of pimples naturally fast at home:
It's easier than you think to remove dark spots of pimples naturally fast at home. Here are some of the best remedies that you can try out:
- Lemon juice, turmeric and coconut oil – These ingredients work well in removing excess oils from your skin and preventing acne breakouts. They also have anti-inflammatory properties which make them great for treating red bumps on your face as well.
- Aloe vera gel – Aloe vera gel is known for its healing abilities and it works especially well when applied topically on lesions caused by pimples or blemishes due to its ability to soothe irritated skin cells after being exposed to bacteria that causes inflammation in our body (the same thing happens when we get an infection). You just need about 5 drops of aloe vera juice mixed with water before applying it onto your face morning after night depending on how severe your case might be - if it's mild then just apply once per day while if there was already noticeable redness present then try doing this twice daily until all spots have healed completely!
Remember that we only recommend using natural ingredients like these ones because they're less harsh than commercial products which contain numerous chemicals such as benzoyl peroxide which may cause side effects such as dryness or irritation upon use; however if those side effects outweigh any benefits then maybe consider switching brands instead :)